Thursday, October 18, 2012

Remote Keylogger - configure and use

Remote Keylogger - configure and use

Keyloggers are the best to spy upon anyone but many beginners find problem in using remote keyloggers . So in this post , I will be showing you the same.Remote keyloggers are very easy to use in comparison to trojans where the concepts like IP addresses, port forwarding are involved.  I highly recommend you to read the basics of keyloggers here . 

Requirements :-
1. Download a free remote keylogger 'Ardamax' with its serial Antivrus might detect it as a virus but dont worry.

2. Signup at any webhosting site supporting FTP (file transfer protocol) and note down your ftp host name. 
For example , I have signed up at and ftp host name is . 

We are actually gonna create an executable(exe) file, which would be given to victim and he is supposed to run it. The keylogger would be installed on his computer and we would be getting automatically keylogs/screenshots in our web hosting site ftp account

I have added the self-explanatory pictures, follow them.

After entering registration key, click on Remote Installation
option . If it still says that its  unregistered version, restart computer.

Keylogger would run invisibly on victim's computer. Victim have would have to
press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H and enter the password you have set to make it visible.

FTP hostname may be different for different web hosting sites. Mostly it is . You can specify any remote folder in which you wish to get logs. After filling all details, click on 'Test' and you would get any test file to make sure that  information you filled is valid and FTP connection is okay.

 You can change icon of exe file (keylogger engine) if you wish
 Just go through the Summary information and click finish.

So you have got an exe file which is detectable as a virus by antiviruses. Now use social engineering to make victim to click on this exe file and hopefully you would start getting the keylogs and screenshots in your account. You cant send it as an attachment in email ID. The good way is to uplaod it on any uploading site and give him the dowloading link.

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